Get to know talents and their values. Have you heard of Johari’s window? About feedback and our perception. You will be guided through the topic by coaches Stanislava Jantelová and Monika Spótová, presented by Oliver Jakubík.

Get to know talents and their values. Have you heard of Johari’s window? About feedback and our perception. You will be guided through the topic by coaches Stanislava Jantelová and Monika Spótová, presented by Oliver Jakubík.
Get to know talents and their values. What are the interactions between talents and is it possible to determine a specific job function or role according to talent? You will be guided through the topic by coaches Romana Pechová and Martin Michalenko, presented by Oliver Jakubík.
Get to know talents and their values. What does it mean that my talent is “high”? How to develop talents? Coaches Jana Turzová and Martin Michalenko will guide you through the topic, presented by Oliver Jakubík.
Get to know talents and their values. Do you know how to turn your talents into your strengths? And what are the three steps to working with talent? Coaches Lívia Pastoreková and Karin Lazárová will guide you through the topic, presented by Oliver Jakubík.
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